Construction Equipment & Supplies

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DPF Cleaning Service

For any make or model

Your machine's diesel particulate filter (DPF) is an exhaust aftertreatment system that captures particulate matter like soot and ash, reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines. That material has to be burned off periodically through a process called regeneration. In certain situations, however, your DPF can become blocked or clogged. Blockages can result from using the wrong type of oil, using low quality fuel, or frequently operating your equipment for short periods of time at low power.

DPF cleaning

If your DPF is clogged or blocked, our shop has the advanced equipment required to clean it. Using the state-of-the-art Evacu System, we apply a combination of forced air and a vacuum to pull the particulates down to the bottom of the filter, then bake your filter to burn off all excess soot and ash. Next, we use our Evacu System Soot Scale to provide an accurate measurement of what was removed from your DPF.

The final step in the DPF cleaning process is using the EvacuBlast Inspection Unit. We use it to check your filter for cracks, exotherm melting, or any other issues. Your DPF will be as good as new!

If your DPF light starts flashing on your dashboard, then contact the Hawkins-Graves service team today!

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